
Need information about something happening in Haines, Klukwan or elsewhere in the Chilkat Valley….who are you going to call? This list is a great way to start your search. This is a constantly growing list, so if anyone has been left out, it’s not personal! If you notice that it’s out of date, let us know.

Haines Borough Assembly, Mayor and Manager
Visit the Haines Borough website for the latest contact information and membership of the Borough Assembly.

Haines Borough School Board
Visit the Haines Borough website for the latest contact information and membership of the Haines Borough School Board

Tribal Organizations

Chilkat Indian Village
Chilkoot Indian Association
Central Council Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska

Other Local/State/Federal Resources
Haines non-profits

Haines Police Department

Haines Airport: 766-2030 (Wings)
Librarian: Director
Tourism: Visitor Center
Business: Chamber of Commerce
State Ferry
Haines Animal Rescue

The Post Office has several employees with notary qualifications. The Haines Court can also perform notary services.


Chilkat Valley News


See Churches

Food Bank

In Haines, the Salvation Army coordinates the food bank. The Presbytarian Church also keeps some food supplies for people in need. See Churches for contact information.

Youth Camps

Echo Ranch Bible Camp
Rainbow Glacier Camp

Alternative Energy:

Haines Borough Energy & Sustainability Commission

Computer Help:

Bear Star, LLC (James Alborough)
Kingfisher Consulting (Warren Johnson)
F1 Computers (John Hedrick)

Internet Access:

APT Internet

Historical information

Sheldon Museum


American Bald Eagle Foundation
Lynn Canal Conservation
Takshanuk Watershed Council
Chilkoot Watershed Coalition

Gardening and Livestock

Haines Gardening and Livestock


Resources for Children in Haines


SEARHC/Lynn Canal Medical Clinic
Public Health Nurse:
Acupuncture: Laurie Dadourian
Mental Health/Counseling: Lynn Canal Counseling, Chilkat Counseling (Heidi Robichaud, LCSW)
Psychotherapist: Robin Grace LCSW
Haines Hospice: Beth MacReady
Massage Therapy: Lee Roberts, Sid Moffatt, Mandy Ramsey, and Cynthia Allen
Registered dietitian nutritionist : Kate Fossman RDN, LD

Non Profit Expertise:

Grant Writing: Cecily Stern and Ann Myren, Kathleen Menke
