Price: ???
Contact: 907-766-2573 Call Only
Some years ago, I wove 4 off-white, cream rag rugs approximately 3′ x 5′ and I would like to sell the last 2 as a pair for not too much money (amount not defined at this point). The weft (the fabric going horizontally) is a beautiful organic cotton knit from Esprit (remember that clothing company?) and the warp is a strong, cotton seine twine (not visible in photo). Unfortunately I made a mistake in not securing well the twine that’s enclosed inside that hem you can see at the front of the photo. With the help of a local guy with a professional sewing machine and a lot of experience I’m going to reinforce the hems and cover that edge with binding tape or some kind of trim. If I find a buyer now, we could choose a binding that would suit the room where you would like these rugs to go. Is there anyone in Haines who wants a couple of 3′ x 5′ white, omg White! rugs, maybe, who knows? At any rate, feel free to call me even if you’re only interested in having one. I see these in a beautiful, large bedroom or a yoga, meditation space that never meets up with shoes, boots and the great outdoors : 0 ). Thank you for looking.