
There are 12 churches in the community of Haines. 11 are denominational and one is non-denominational.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints — Near Fort Seward, on Mud Bay Road at its intersection with Small Tracts Road. Box 622, 766-2379

Haines Christian Center — Assembly of God, downtown at the corner of 2nd Avenue North & Union Street. Box 730, 766-2126

Haines Presbyterian Church — Downtown on the property of the original Haines Mission, at 228 First Avenue South. Box 264, 766-2377

Klukwan Assembly of God Church — At Klukwan Village, 22 Mile, Haines Highway. Box 442, 767-5544

Port Chilkoot Bible Church — Non-denominational, in historic Fort Seward at the corner of Fort Seward Drive & Portage Street. Box 156, 766-2629

Sacred Heart Catholic Church — Downtown at the corner of 3rd Avenue North & Dalton Street Box 326, 766-2241

Saint Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church — Meets in the lobby of the Chilkat Center for the Arts in historic Fort Seward Box 1236, 766-3041

The Salvation Army — Downtown at the corner of 5th Avenue North & Union Street. Box 550, 766-2470

Seventh Day Adventist

Valley Community Church of the Nazarene — 31.5 mile, Haines Highway. HC 60 Box 3151 767-5635

Mountain Home Mission

First United Pentecostal Church — Major Rd. Contact number: 907-766-2971 Services on Sunday at 2:00pm

Youth Camps

Echo Ranch Bible Camp
